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Manage databases with Webadmin in Plesk

This tutorial will show you how to manage databases with Webadmin in Plesk

To manage your databases and their contents, use your favorite MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server client or the web-based database management tool accessible from the Panel, also known as the Webadmin.

1) You can find that by going to Websites & Domains.


2) Then Databases.


3) And then choosing a database to edit.


Note that you will need to have a user assigned to the Webadmin in order to access it.

4) Click Webadmin.


5) Since our database is a MySQL database, Plesk has taken us to the phpMyAdmin start page. Use the various tabs and links to manage your database.


This tutorial is complete. You now know how to access the Webadmin for a Database in Plesk.
