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Joomla Super Administrator Password Reset

joomla-screenThis tutorial will show you how to complete a Joomla super administrator password reset

If you have lost your Joomla Super Administrator password you can reset it in the MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. Following the steps below, your Joomla Super Administrator login will be set to
Username – admin
Password – admin

To view our Joomla demo site with a custom template installed, please click on the thumbnail to the right. The site also includes other customizations made by our development team including Simple Image Gallery, which is a great way to show off images and create photo galleries within page content.

Login to your Web24 account cPanel by pointing your browser to http://yourdomain.com/cpanel where “yourdomain.com” is your real domain name. You will then be asked for a username and password (this information is supplied in your welcome email).

Now that you have logged into cPanel, click “phpMyAdmin” from the list of options.


Select your Joomla database from the drop-down list on the left, then click “SQL” from the top menu. Next we enter a MySQL query which will reset the username and password.

For Joomla versions up to 1.0.12 enter the following query and click “Go”

UPDATE `jos_users` SET `name` = ‘admin’, `password` = ‘21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3’ WHERE `id` =62 LIMIT 1 ;

For Joomla version 1.0.13 enter the following query and click “Go”

UPDATE `jos_users` SET `name` = ‘admin’, `password` = ‘af9083d4b82dbc0745b124db3b3cf15d:M0WuLowO4rtRTddG’ WHERE `id` =62 LIMIT 1 ;

Note-: If you’re running an older version of Joomla or Mambo, you might need to change jos_users to mos_users.


Next, login to your Joomla administrator section with username and password “admin”.
Go to Site > User Manager


Select the username and click “Edit”


Change the username and password to something secure. Ensure your password is at least 8 characters long and consists of at least uppercase, lowercase and numerals. Click “Save” and you are finished.


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