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‘Catch All’ Email Address in cPanel

The catch-all address is the default email address to which all emails, addressed to a non-existent or incorrectly typed email account of your domain name are routed to.

For example, if someone sends an email to [email protected] which does not exist, the catch-all option will forward this email to an email address of your choice.

Set up Catch All email address

  • Login to the cPanel account for the domain.
  • Click on Default Address icon under Mail in the cPanel home screen.


  • From the dropdown menu, select the domain or sub-domain you wish to set up a default address.
  • You have following options for emails sent to invalid email address of your domain:

o   Discard the mail with a failure message.

o   Forward mail to an email address of your choice.


Note: If you enable catch-all email address, this increases possibility of receiving of SPAM emails.
