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WannaCry Ransomware Attack

Web24 wish to make you aware of a new exploit for a Windows security vulnerability that has recently been made public and the perpetrators are already using it to crash systems remotely and cause denial of service (DoS).  This ransomware (WannaCry) has spread globally and is affecting computers by exploiting a Windows vulnerability involving the Server Message Block protocol.

You can find more information from Microsoft here: technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx.

This issue impacts all Windows Operating System.  This may impact your office workstations and any Windows virtual machines or dedicated servers that you have with Web24.

Microsoft has already released security updates addressing this vulnerability and how to fix it.  Please make sure that you have all the latest Windows updates installed.

Note:  You will need to reboot your system after installing updates.

You can confirm that you have the appropriate security update installed by accessing the link below:



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