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Undefined Subroutine in cPanel

Undefined subroutine &Cpanel::Update::automatic_updates_enabled called at /scripts/upcp line 273.

If some recent cPanel upgrade on your server are throwing errors like below :

root@server [~]# /scripts/upcp
/scripts/upcp syntax OK
Running Futex Check/Fix……Done
Undefined subroutine &Cpanel::Update::automatic_updates_enabled called at /scripts/upcp line 273.

How to fix the Undefined Subroutine in cPanel error

then this can be fixed by using below :

wget -O /root/updatenow.static http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/cpanelsync/RELEASE/scripts/updatenow.static && perl /root/updatenow.static –manual

And then force a cPanel update :

/scripts/upcp –force
