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Beware FedEx Scam Email

Beware FedEx Scam EmailFedEx is now warning people to be wary of fraudulent emails being sent out that claim a FedEx parcel is ready for your “collection”.

We suspect that this threat was heavily aligned with the past December Christmas period, where the unsuspecting patron would open the links contained in the email and unintentionally infect their computers at the same time.

Learn more about the recent FedEx Scam Email

The links contained in the email are believed to forcefully install malware when clicked, which has a nasty effect of sending out more FedEx spam via the users local email client.

If you’ve received something that appears a little conspicuous and resembles the following, you should trash it immediately:

“Dear Customer, Your parcel has arrived at the post office at December 4. Our postrider was unable to deliver the parcel to you. To receive a parcel, please, go to the nearest our office and show this postal receipt,” the email states, according to Softpedia.com

Protecting Yourself and Removing Possible Infection:

If you suspect that your system may have been infected, it is recommended that you run a full system scan with an up-to-date antivirus solution. We recommend using antivirus products offered by one of the following vendors as they are known to be capable of detecting this threat:

For more information on the scam, please refer to the articles below:
